Gallery - Fresh Air
Beauty of Nature

Artist Point, Washington

Northern Washington You'll recognize this group of trees from some of my recent photographs. I’m just in love with them and what fascinates me is how they can look so very different depending on the light at the moment I press the shutter. Normally they are lush and full of leaves, but in the winter they become just skeletons of their former beauty. But I see them as equally beautiful no matter what the season. Nikon D800 | ISO 100 | 112mm | f/11 | 1/125 sec.

Japanese Maple, Oregon

Washington It was the last snow of winter and I wasn't alone as darkness set in. I came across this solitary bald eagle looking out over the ghostly landscape across the Nooksack River. Together, we sat and watched the snow fall in silence while the light disappeared. We were both left wondering when winter would end. Nikon D800 | ISO 400 | 100mm | f/11 | 1.5 sec.

Mt. Baker National Forest, Washington I often find myself trying to describe the beauty of Washington to family and friends. Words are usually not enough. This stunning snow-dusted scene is Nooksack River Falls. Located near Mt. Baker, many people have died trying to photograph this beautiful waterfall. Signs are posted to stay away from the edge. When a thousand words cannot describe the beauty you see in front of you, perhaps a picture will. Nikon D800 | 17mm | ISO 100 | f/16 | 3 sec.

The view from the end of my driveway never disappoints. With the barren winter landscape and clouds laying gently on the hills, I knew when the sun set it would make for some beautiful layering. The light only lasted 30 seconds but that's all the time I needed. Nikon D800 ISO 100 | 82mm | f/11 | 1/10 sec.

Emerald Bay At Sunset Lake Tahoe, California I've been to this location a handful of times but a beautiful sunset has always eluded me. This time would be different. The colors were spectacular. I don't use colored filters or any Photoshop tricks so you are seeing it as it was. Sunsets here don't last long so you have to be fast with your camera... or you could just look at my photo. Enjoy! Nikon D800 24mm | ISO 100 | f/16 | 2 sec.

Most people drive right past this river on their way to Nooksack Falls and never even know they missed it. I suppose sometimes you're so focused on your destination that you'll pass by an amazing location such as this. I was here many years ago and took some beautiful photographs. Since then, the landscape had changed so dramatically that I hardly recognized it. I hope you find it as beautiful as I do. Nikon D800 30mm | ISO 200 | f/16 | 30 sec.

Big Pine Key, Florida I recently had the pleasure of visiting the most amazing miniature deer at the National Key Deer Refuge in Florida. Yes, they really are this small and adorable. I came across this shy deer taking a rest in the shade and he was kind enough to bless me with this flirtatious pose. If you ever find yourself in Big Pine Key, please be respectful to them. They are very trusting of humans and love having their photograph taken. Nikon D800 210mm | ISO 250 | f/6 | 1/250 sec.

Bahia Honda State Park, FL Florida has some incredibly beautiful sunsets. I came across this beautiful palm tree while strolling the beach and it seemed to be desperately stretching to reach the sun. Can you blame it? That evening it was especially brilliant. In the background you can see the old and crumbling Bahia Honda Bridge. Nikon D800 ISO 160 | 24mm | f/16 | 1/30 sec.

Oregon Oregon is known for it's beautiful scenery and mild climate. There is enough precipitation that foliage grows full and green. When you add in a silky waterfall and some rugged rocks, the scene becomes like something you'd see in a dream. Nikon D800 60mm | ISO 100 | f/16 | 1/4 sec.

Near Mount Saint Helens Washington In the shadow of Mount Saint Helens is the Lava Canyon trail. It is marked by narrow pathways with precarious edges and beautiful waterfall views. The water is extremely clean and blue. If you ever visit here, stay away from the edge. To get this view you have to be immediately adjacent to a steep cliff. It would be a long way to fall. Nikon D800 32mm | ISO 100 | f/19 | 1/4 sec.

Bellingham, Washington

Kittery, Maine The sun was setting as I sat on the shore listening to the deep moaning of the foghorn. They call it Whaleback lighthouse because it sounds eerily similar to a whale (a very soothing sound). Just before the sun disappeared, the tree began to light up with the lighthouse in the distance. I only had a brief moment to grab my camera and set up. Click. I wouldn't find out until later what I had taken. 21mm | ISO 100 | f/4 | 1/160 sec.

Florida Hiking along a river in Florida, I came across this guy. I walked up and took a few photos of him from a safe distance. When he saw me he moved down the slope and into the water. Most people would assume that I had a telephoto lens on my camera and took this shot from a safe distance. Unfortunately I did not. To get this photo I knew I would have to nearly stand on his tail. With no time to swap lenses I did what anybody would have done. Right? 50mm | ISO 200 | 1/125 sec. | f/5.6

Nikon D800 ISO 125 | 145mm | f/11 | 1/180 sec.

Cathedral Gorge Nevada Over time, erosion has carved dramatic and beautiful patterns in the soft siltstone and clay shale at Cathedral Gorge State Park. It is one of the most fascinating natural formations I have seen. The formations are brittle and ever-evolving. You can almost see them change right in front of your eyes. Hike around at dusk, and you might just see something luminous. 9mm | ISO 100 | f/16 | 1/15 sec.

20mm | ISO 100 | f/22 | 1/4 sec.

Fort Foster, Maine 14mm | ISO 100 | f/22 | 1 sec.